Kalyan Silks, one of the leading
textile showroom chain has
unveiled its new brand identity. The Kalyan Silks brand will now
feature Prithviraj as its new
brand ambassador and a new
logo. The new logo of Kalyan Silks
was launched by actor Prithviraj
yesterday. The new logo which displays the blend of traditional
and modern qualities is based on
red and white with the letter 'K'
in it. Currently former Miss
Universe runner-up Parvathi
manakuttan is the female model for Kalyan Silks.

Kalyan Silks group currently has
textile showrooms at Thrissur,
Kochi, Palakkad, Kozhikode. The
group plans to open new
showrooms at Trivandrum,
Kannur, Thiruvalla, and international showrooms at
Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore

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