ri Padmanabha theatre is a popular landmark at
East Fort in Thiruvananthapuram.
It's one of the oldest theatre in
the city run by S. Chandran, son
of veteran producer and studio
owner the late Merryland P. Subramaniyam. The venue was
recently renovated with all the
latest tech and opened with
Prithviraj’ s Urumi. The actor, wife Supriya and mum Mallika
returned the gesture and spent
a day at the theatre on the
75th day of Urumi. Prithvi revealed during the press
meet that wife Supriya had once
finished a BBC documentary on
the troubled state of single-
screen cinemas in India
East Fort in Thiruvananthapuram.
It's one of the oldest theatre in
the city run by S. Chandran, son
of veteran producer and studio
owner the late Merryland P. Subramaniyam. The venue was
recently renovated with all the
latest tech and opened with
Prithviraj’ s Urumi. The actor, wife Supriya and mum Mallika
returned the gesture and spent
a day at the theatre on the
75th day of Urumi. Prithvi revealed during the press
meet that wife Supriya had once
finished a BBC documentary on
the troubled state of single-
screen cinemas in India
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