Director Mani Ratnam is recognized as
one of India’ s top film makers both at home, where his diverse
works in the Tamil-, Telugu- and
Hindi-language industries are
box-office and critical successes,
and a broad, where he was
honored with a retrospective at the Toronto Film Festival. Shot
simultaneously in Tamil and Hindi
versions, his newest thriller
RAAVANAN is a contemporary
re telling of the Ramayama epic,
turning the lush, rain-swept greenery of South India into a
stunning mythic land of forest
d wellers, mud-covered armies,
out laws, rebels and lovers. This
gorgeously visual update of a
classic tale brings together some of India’ s top talent (and frequent Ratnam collaborators),
including screen icons Vikram and
Aishwarya Rai and composer A.R. Rahman
Public enemy number one Veera
(Vikram) is an irreverent
law breaker and a brutal but
beloved tribal leader. When his
sister is captured and abused by
police, Veera orche strates the revenge kidnapping of the police
chief’ s wife, Raagini (Rai). As Veera drags Raagini through
jungles and forests, keeping one
step a head of the ruthless
police, a strange attr action
begins to grow between captor
and captive, the gruff yet honorable Veera, and the
beautiful, proud Raagini.
Shot in Kerala and Ratnam’ s birth state of Tamil Nadu,
RAAVANAN is a power house
return to Tamil filmmaking for
Ratnam, and signals the
continued vibrancy of that
region’ s cinema. Superbly choreo graphed musical numbers
and cinema to graphy by Santosh
Sivan and V. Mandikandan
further add to this sweeping
tale of love, jealousy and
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