Kavya to use Kerala Soaps. Prithviraj to don Kalyan Silks
Kavya Madhavan would
endorse soaps, Prithviraj has
chosen to endorse silks.
Kavya Madhavan would take
over as the brand anbassador of Kerala Soaps, as per the
latest reports that have
streamed in.
In a field where competition
reigns supreme, Kerala Soaps
hope to carve a niche for themselves, and Kavya's
taking over as their brand
ambassador is indeed going to
make a whole lot of a
Meanwhile young superstar Prithviraj has taken over as
the brand ambassador of
Kalyan Silks, and full length
ads that feature the dashing
actor have been published in
almost all the leading dailies. The textile giant has also gone
for a logo change, and they
hope that Prithvi would usher
in a new era in their
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