Ranjith Sankar : After The Arjunan Saakshi Released

Rajith Sankar After Arjunan Saakshi. and He Blogged His Experance. on his blog

Many wanted to write about
after release experience of
Arjunan Saakshi .So here it goes.

I was actually thrilled after
meeting the censor
committee.They loved Arjunan Saakshi
whole heartedly.

Reports after the first show was
not unanimous as we
expected. Actually I was facing
such a scene for the first
time.Actually cant help it.Once
you release a movie,thats something totally out of your
control.The audience has all the
right to like or dislike it.

Many loved Arjunan Saakshi.Many has issues
with it.The fact remains that I
still love it:) Arjunan Saakshi is always gonna be
a very dear film to me for a
number of reasons.

One shocking realisation was
that the people who were
dissappointed said they were so
coz they went to see my movie
after passenger.Seriously did not
believe there would be an audicene going to a hall just to
watch my movie..thats scary!

And the best part after all this
is that there is still so much of
love and caring around.I was told
once you go through fire in
movies, you find yourself all alone
and separated. Some how I feel so surrounded with so much
support from all corners!
Probabaly even more than when
passenger was screening! Blessed!

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