magnum opus
Urumi, has
taken a
fantastic opening in 70
odd screens in
Kerala. The film has garnered critical
as well as box-office success
and is being liked for its stylish
making. Speaking to sify.com Santosh
Sivan said: "I'm very happy
with the 100 % opening Urumi
has taken throughout Kerala.
In some theatres in Malabar
area they put extra seats without informing the
In UAE from four prints it is
going to be increased to 14
prints from next Friday. Next
week we will open the film in more number of screens
including Mumbai." Santosh says both young
people and family audiences
are thronging theatres
screening Urumi, which is a
good sign of it becoming a
super hit. Concludes Santosh: "I watched
two shows of the film with the
audiences in Sreepadmanabha
in Thiruvananthapuram. Their
reaction and clapping was
spontaneous, and it made me even more happy. I think Urumi
is going to be a big hit.
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