Prithviraj’s new movie titled “Simhasanam” will be directed by Shaji Kailas. With ‘Simhasanam’, Shaji Kailas and Prithviraj hope to re-establish Prithvi’s status as an action hero. Prithvi had earlier been with Shaji for the film ‘Reghupathy Raghava Rajaram’ which had to be shelved due to financial problems. A host of other prominent stars in Malayalam including Jagathy and Saikumar will be seen along with Prithvi in ‘Simhasanam’. Though initial discussions regarding the project had been completed a while back, ‘Simhasanam’ has taken a while, since the director has been busy with his Mammootty – Suresh Gopi starrer ‘The King and the Commissioner’. Prithvi who is eyeing for super stardom have lot of hopes residing for this film as it is the same action director Shaji Kailas, who films have elevated actors like Sureshgopi to superstars.